Pathology Services Overview

BakoDx is a leader in nail, nerve, skin, soft tissue and bone pathology.

We offer full-service diagnostic testing including:

We Equip Physicians with Intelligence Reporting

Our pathology team provides not just information, but also intelligence to enable better patient care.

BakoDx’s intelligence reporting provides physicians with a comprehensive explanation of the patient’s condition, background on the disease, as well as published literary references, as warranted, to guide physicians to follow evidence based medicine and national treatment guidelines. The result is a “one-stop-shop” for physicians, saving valuable time and healthcare resources while ensuring patients receive proper diagnosis and treatment without a specialist referral.

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BakoDx Pathologist

Why Bako Diagnostics?

We are the premier provider of diagnostic and therapeutic services focusing on the skin, soft tissue and bone of the lower extremity

  • Board certified dermatopathologists available for consultation Mon-Fri, 7:00am – 7:00pm EST
  • 24 hour in-house turn-around time for routine specimens
  • Compliant patient-friendly billing policies
  • Clear and concise diagnoses with therapeutic options and literature references
  • Reports with digital photomicrographic imaging
  • Meaningful Use (HL-7) compliant web-based reporting
  • In-network with more than 250 million covered lives, including all five national health plans

Equip your practice with industry-leading pathology services