Onychodystrophy Testing

The Standard of Care

  • Provides a comprehensive diagnosis with objective information for the identification and treatment of nail dystrophy.

  • Laboratory testing delivers information necessary to support a complete patient treatment algorithm.

  • Various nail disorders appear identical and clinical examination alone may not be enough.

Learn more about adding Onychodystrophy testing to your patient care algorithm

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Definitive Diagnosis

Definitive Diagnosis

Laboratory testing identifies the underlying cause of nail dystrophy, infectious, non-infectious, neoplastic processes, and trauma

Complete Picture

Complete Picture

Histopathology + PCR Testing provide comprehensive information to treat nail dystrophy effectively.

Targeted Treatment

Targeted Treatment

Identifying the genus and species of the infectious organism allows you to target therapy with precision.

The Complete Picture

  • Highest sensitivity and specificity testing available
  • Identification of non-infectious and infectious causes
  • Speciation for targeted treatment
  • Rapid results
  • Evidence to treat all underlying causes

*When used in combination; Bako Nail PCR Testing: 99.9% Analytical Specificity, 86% Clinical Sensitivity. Bako’s PCR testing highly correlates with histopathology. Histopathology: 93% Clinical Sensitivity, 96% Clinical Specificity. Fungal culture: 42% False Negative Rates

Test Comparison

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Histopathology Microscope


Microscopic evaluation of a specimen to determine infectious or non-infectious pathologies including traumatic, inflammatory or neoplastic processes.

Periodic Acid–Schiff (PAS): Identifies non-degenerated fungal elements

Grocott Methenamine Silver (GMS): Identifies degenerated fungal elements

Fontana-Masson (FM): Identifies pigmented saprophytes and melanin pigment which may be associated with a melanocytic neoplasm


PCR Testing

Molecular analysis of a specimen to determine if DNA of an infectious organism is present. The Onychodystrophy PCR testing identifies both the genus and species of an infectious organism to appropriately target therapy.

BakoDx offers PCR testing for onychodystrophy with 99.9% analytical specificity 86% clinical sensitivity;¹ which correlates highly with histopathology. Our proprietary technology only identifies the relevant agents of disease for you to provide targeted treatment. Learn more about adding this advanced service to your patient care algorithm.

BakoDx Sample Report

Click image to enlarge

BakoDx’s Intelligent Onychodystrophy PCR Testing Report

Actionable reports with information to assist you in making treatment decisions.

  • Diagnosis

  • Treatment Recommendations

  • Relevant Clinical Images

  • Interpretations for All Tests Performed

  • Pathologists Available for Consult

Educational Resources for Onychodystrophy

Nail Collection Guide

Optimal Nail Specimen Procedure Guide. Download this easy-to-follow training tool for your staff.

BakoDx Clinical White Paper

DNA-based detection for onychomycosis correlates better to histopathology than does fungal culture.

Nail Collection Guide

Reference this hands-on, procedural video created by BakoDx clinical consultants.

¹BakoDx internal validation.
²Velasquez-Agudelo, V., Cardona-Arias, J., “Meta-analysis of the utility of culture, biopsy, and direct KOH examination for the diagnosis of onychomycosis”, BMC Infect Dis, 2017 Feb 22;17(1):166.
³Chandran, N. S., J. Y. Pan, Z. A. Pramono, H. H. Tan and C. S. Seow (2013).”Complementary role of a polymerase chain reaction test in the diagnosis of onychomycosis.” Australas J Dermatol 54(2): 105-108

Disclaimer: BakoDx, as a partner to your practice, provides learning resources to help you better serve your patients. The information contained within this document should be used at a physician’s discretion. BakoDx assumes no liability for its content.