ATLANTA — July 11, 2018 — Bako Diagnostics (BakoDx), the leader in nail dystrophy diagnostic testing, announced the availability of its expanded molecular test to include detection of the causative agent of green nail syndrome.

Dr. Shari Lipner, assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medicine, whose specialty is nail diseases, said she sees a lot of patients with onychomycosis along with another common problem — Pseudomonas aeruginosa — otherwise known as Green Nail Syndrome.

“Pseudomonas nail infection is a very frustrating condition for patients because it’s often misdiagnosed,” Dr. Lipner said. “Having a molecular test to help with the diagnosis is very helpful, so patients can get the treatment they need.”

BakoDx’s onychodystrophy panel was enhanced to detect Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with clinically relevant results in as little as 24 hours[1].

Green nail syndrome, characterized by a greenish black discoloration of the nail, is caused by the growth and colonization of P. aeruginosa: the most common bacterial nail infection. Predisposing conditions can include: onycholysis, onychomycosis, diabetes mellitus, as well as occupations where the feet are frequently exposed to wet conditions or damp environments.

“The addition of P. aeruginosa to our onychodystrophy panel enables clinicians to identify one of the non-fungal causes of infectious onychodystrophy and treat it appropriately. Expansion of the nail dystrophy assay empowers clinicians with clinically relevant results to support appropriate antimicrobial therapy to improve patient outcomes,” said Dr. Wayne L. Bakotic, Dermatopathologist and BakoDx Co-Founder.

For more information, visit or call 855-422-5628.

Media Contact:
Aldo Nahed
470-695-3643 Ext. 283

[1] Pseudomonas aeruginosa testing not currently available in the State of New York.


Bako Diagnostics is a provider of diagnostic and therapeutic services for the Podiatric Medical Community with a unique focus on pathology of the lower extremity. Bako’s comprehensive testing menu includes ENFD Analysis, Mass Spectrometry, for rapid identification of bacteria from culture specimens, and Molecular Genetics for the detection of micro-organisms and as a diagnostic aid in certain pathologic diagnoses. Bako’s in-network services are available through its more than 250 million covered lives, including all five national health plans and fully compliant patient-friendly billing policies.  Over the past nine years, Bako has evolved into one of the podiatric profession’s principal sources of educational sponsorship.